Training Philosophy
The methods and techniques we implement are based on decades of research and scientific study.
PAWS implements and supports positive reinforcement techniques for both training and behavior modification. These are modern, humane techniques and methods. We use methods that allow animals to work for what motivates them rather than techniques that insight fear or rely on pain.
Research shows that dogs do not need to be physically punished to learn how to behave and there are significant risks associated with using traditional punishment.
Positive Isn't Permissive
We will implement rules and boundaries in addition to consequences for inappropriate behavior.
Whether you have a new puppy that is biting, an adopted dog who needs help with manners, or a well-loved but aggressive dog, we are here to help.

Training Guarantees
We promise and guarantee to treat you and your canine companion(s) with respect and support.
The Dog Training Industry is unregulated. Which means anyone can be a trainer and guarantee x, y, and z for you and your dog; no education, standards, or certifications are required. However, since dogs are living creatures and not programmable machines, it is considered highly unethical and irresponsible to guarantee results.
The success of training depends on a variety of factors, including how frequently training sessions are correctly implemented. We promise to work with you and your canine companion(s) and support you through your training journey.